Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Today was my last day of clinical at Mary Birch! We had a dinner at Islands after and it was so much fun! I was in charge of getting the gifts for the Professor and the senior student, getting all 7 floors food for the nurses and cards for all of them.. And this Friday is the Nursing Christmas party that me and another nursing student are in charge of. I have alot of assignments this week too! It's quite alright though because I am getting a head start for once. Sometimes music is so annoying because it makes you think of everything thats happened to you and everyone in my life. I can't get past that. It has such a big factor in how I view that moment. Sometimes I have to walk away from the cliff I am about to jump off of if you know what I mean. Its a love hate relationship.

I've been going on alot of rants lately. interesting. I finished my first scarf ever this weekend for the homeless outreach and i'm kinda proud i wont lie.... :D I've been very content and happy these last couple of days because I do not pour my heart into humans, rely on them or even trust them right now. haha. Only God... off to the gym <3